The Post Needs YOU!

You heard it when you enlisted or were drafted – Uncle Sam Needs YOU.  Well, now your Post needs you to step up and help out.  Without you, we may have to close our doors again from time to time or shorten our hours, stop kitchen operations and more.

Every month, we have a lot of bills we need to pay – mortgage, electricity, cable, water, sewer, garbage, etc.  In order to meet all of our bills, we need to take in at least $1500 each weekend in sales, especially now that we are only open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  To do this, we need YOU, our members, to come to the Post and enjoy dinner, drinks and good camaraderie.

We also need YOU, our members, to step up and help out at the Post in the kitchen.  Many members are asking when we will be open full time again.

“We can’t open up full time until we get some help in the kitchen,” Commander Dowdy stated in response to the question.  “We need people to help out, because the ones who do it over and over again are getting burned out and need a break.”

If you are willing to step up and help out, please contact Commander Dowdy or stop in and let any of the bartenders know you’d like to help.  We need YOU, our members, now more than ever.