Some Links to Help Understand PTSD during PTSD Awareness Month

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur after someone goes through a traumatic event like combat, assault, or disaster. Most people have some stress reactions after a trauma. If the reactions don’t go away over time or disrupt your life, you may have PTSD.

What most people don’t understand about PTSD are the invisible and internal problems that someone who suffers from it will experience, and how their trauma and reactions to it can affect everyone around them. Use the links below to learn more about PTSD and how you can help yourself, or someone else who suffers from the debilitating disorder.

  • What is PTSD?
    Understand what PTSD is and how it affects people young and old.
  • How Common is PTSD?
    Learn more about different groups of people and how they are affected by PTSD and trauma.
  • Types of Trauma
    Access articles providing information related to how people respond to and recover from disasters and acts of terrorism.
  • Is it PTSD?
    A list of articles helping a person to determine whether they are suffering from PTSD.
  • Related Problems
    A list providing links to related information on PTSD.
  • PTSD Awareness Month
    You can make a difference today, Learn about PTSD and raise awareness during June – PTSD Awareness Month.
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