SAL Donations to CWF Approach $8M Mark

The Sons of The American Legion will soon pass $8 million in donations to the Child Welfare Foundation (CWF).

As of Feb. 8, SAL donations to CWF stood at $7,992,545.18 since 1988. That includes donations of $171,879.43 since June 1, 2018.

The SAL is the single largest contributor to the CWF. The CWF is a nonprofit that has two primary purposes: to contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children and youth and establish more effective uses of knowledge possessed by well-established organizations. To attain these goals, CWF raises donations and awards grants to organizations that help children. The CWF is governed by its board of directors and a national chairman. All administrative costs of the Child Welfare Foundation are borne by The American Legion, so 100 percent of all money raised for the foundation is used exclusively for grants.

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Child Welfare Foundation

The Child Welfare Foundation awards grants to other organizations that reach out to young people with physical, mental or emotional challenges.

CLICK HERE to learn more about CWF

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