“Old Fashioned” Potluck Dinner and Game Night RESCHEDULED to April 12

The Potluck Dinner and Game Night  has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 12th from 5pm to 7pm.  This is an “old-fashioned” potluck get together and family game night for all members and their families.  Bring your best dish to pass and show off your kitchen skills along with a game to play with others (i.e. Scrabble, Yahtze, Trouble, etc.)

The kitchen will be closed but the bar will be open for the evening and all drinks will be at regular price.  Let’s make this evening a fun one and something to look forward to repeating.

There will be a signup sheet at the Post so please stop by and let us know what you are bringing.  You can also EMAIL DAN and let him know.



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