Post 304 Constitution and By-Laws Changes For Review

The American Legion national office has dictated numerous changes that needed to be made to our Post Constitution and By-Laws, along with some changes we have made ourselves based on necessity.  Below, both the Constitution and By-Laws are posted for review by our membership.

Please review both documents and let us know if we have missed anything, or if you notice other errors or oppose any of the changes in red.  (The changes in red are our local changes made and approved by the Executive Board.)

Changes from the National level include removing all gender-based language (he, his, him, her, she, etc.) and replacing those pronouns with “the member” or other non-gender based word, as well as the word “shall” and replacing it with “may”.  The full list is below.

Shall becomes May
He becomes such person or the member, or the official title of the individual
His become one’s or their
Make Application becomes apply
Projected becomes applying
Chairman becomes chairperson

Thank you for taking the time to review our corrections.

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