On this page, we will post stories that are of interest to all veterans.

10 Great Cold War Spy Movies

By James Barber In Steven Spielberg’s movie “Bridge of Spies,” Tom Hanks plays James Donovan, an NYC attorney who previously served as a prosecutor in the Nuremberg trials. He’s asked…

Diplomacy and Sanctions Before Deployment

By Paul E. Dillard, National Commander Dear American Legion Family Members and Friends, The multi-nation North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed after World War II to establish a “security…

The 5 Most Powerful Armies in the World

By Greg Norman Battlefields are constantly evolving, leading countries around the world to pump hundreds of billions of dollars each year into their armed forces in a race to develop the most advanced…

It’s Not Just At Walter Reed

By Paul E. Dillard, National Commander The report by the Navy Times hit like a gut punch. No hot water, A/C or doors with locks for junior troops forced to…

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