National Vice Commander Joe Lysaght Visits Post 304

NVC Joe Lysaght Visits Post 304

National Vice Commander Joe Lysaght, along with an entourage of Georgia Department and District level dignitaries, made a visit to Post 304 to talk with members and Post Officers and share national updates and discuss membership issues with the American Legion nationwide.

During the visit, Commander Lysaght spoke with members of each Post family as well as the Old Farts Club. The Old Farts made Commander Lysaght a member of the Club, raising their numbers to 20 members.

After giving a 45-minute presentation to those who came to meet him, the Post held a lunch in honor of the Commander.  The Post 304 Auxiliary coordinated the meal that was cooked by kitchen manager Matt Brown and George Flowers.  Everyone enjoyed a meal of BBQ pulled pork, sausages and samples of our vaious burgers and sandwiches.

Those pictured in the photo above are, from left to tight: GA Department Alt NEC Randy Goodman, Post 304 Commander Chuck Guta, GA Department Commander Jim Fultz, 5th District Commander James Watson, National Vice Commander Joe Lysaght, GA Department Sr. Vice Commander Michael Schwartz and Ga Department Vice Commande Wade Lnenicka

Check out the photos from the day below.


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