by Adam Evans
Going back to college after a long break can be a daunting experience. Veterans who decide to go back to college may face some unique challenges, but the benefits far outweigh them. Read on to see the challenges and benefits for veterans who decide to go back to school.
Unique Challenges for Veterans
As a veteran now separated from the military, you face some unique challenges. Transitioning back to civilian life is first among those challenges. Veterans accustomed to the culture and camaraderie of the military have to adapt to life as a student as well as balancing work and family responsibilities.
Another challenge is expenses. You need to be prepared for tuition expenses, textbook costs, college fees, and other unforeseen expenses that may arise. Finally, be ready to invest time in your studies. While attending classes takes up time, reading assigned texts and finishing writing assignments requires even more. Be sure to factor all this into your planning.
Ideal Programs and Degrees for Veterans
Veterans returning to school should consider pursuing degrees that will get them the most for their investment. The degrees that are rated best for veterans include criminal justice, engineering, nursing, and network administration. These degrees resemble training you may have received in the military and make the most sense for a smooth adjustment. If you can, choose a degree that builds on your military training.
Balancing Work and School
The most important thing is to be realistic about your schedule so you can balance work and school. Be sure to set a realistic school schedule so you can handle your responsibilities. You may want to take as many classes as possible to get your degree quickly, but you have to think long-term. Those extra classes you take this semester will mean nothing if lack of time and poor scheduling result in bad grades. Be patient and smart.
Tips for Paying for School
Most people think of the GI Bill when considering benefits for veterans; however, there are hundreds of other programs available for veterans, including scholarships, veteran’s discounts, and state veteran education programs. A small bit of internet research will help you discover the various options that are available.
Degrees That Are Most Lucrative
Four of the top most lucrative degrees are business-based: economics, accounting, business, and finance. Considering this, returning to college for an MBA degree will give you the background you need to succeed in any of the business-based professions, including business manager, business administrator, and operations director. Many