Sign Fund Thermometer
Goal of $25000

Help us reach our goal
The Post is hoping to upgrade our front image to include a new LED digital sign that we can use to promote our programs and events. It will look like the photo to the right if we are able to reach our target goal of $25,000. We have already received permission by the City of Acworth to make the necessary changes to our pole if we are able to gat the funds to purchase the new sign.
Along with an electronic sign, we will be adding two new flag poles to fly the flags of the Post families.
We need YOUR help. This is an “All Hands on Deck” event. If you know of individuals or companies who might be willing to write some big checks to help out, please let us know or have them visit our donation page by clicking on the button below.
For larger donors who might fund the entire sign, we are offering advertising space in different increments.
The digital sign will help us announce our events, dinner specials and more to the general public and increase the traffic into the Post.