Bar Bingo is Catching Fire at the Post

BAR BINGO IS BACK!  After the closure due to the virus pandemic, the Post has reopened on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.  That means, of course, that Saturday night BAR BINGO is back (as long as there are enough people in the seats).

Bar Bingo, hosted by Tim Lemming, is taking off on Saturday nights at the Post.  Started on January 11th, the first night saw 20 people attending.  By the second week, word got around about how fun it is, and what a great host Tim makes with his sense of humor (and good-natured bickering back and forth with his wife, Sharon).

On the 18th, a count of almost 40 people was made and the bar was packed solid, with more tables being brought in to accommodate all who wanted to play.  Winners of each game were awarded Post Bucks, which can be used to purchase food and non-alcoholic drinks from the Post.  Ten rounds were played, with variations on the regular Bingo including “four corners”, “Postage Stamp”, “Cross” and “Picture Frame”.

If you want to have a great night of fun, while enjoying some dinner and drink specials, then make sure to come to the Post on Saturday night for Bar Bingo.  You won’t be disappointed.