An Open Letter to the Veteran Community from the U.S. Census Bureau

To our Nation’s Veterans:

Throughout our history, you have rallied time and again to protect and serve your family, neighbors, and friends. Your leadership, patriotism, and entrepreneurship exemplify the American spirit.

We need your help! Please get your community prepared by taking the following steps: As Article I Section II of the Constitution directs, every 10 years, we conduct a census to determine representation in Congress. Think of it as a national roll call. The next national roll call is coming, and we must hear from you. The 2020 Census is a mission-critical opportunity to make your numbers known. This opportunity only comes once a decade, so 2020 will be the time to make sure your community is counted.

  • JOIN OUR TEAM. We want to hire Veterans for temporary census jobs. Apply to work as a census taker at If you know others who are looking for work, please spread the word.
  • RAISE AWARENESS. Tell other Veterans how the 2020 Census impacts services they rely on. Discuss this at Veteran service organization chapter meetings or the next Veteran gathering you attend.
  • PARTNER WITH US. Visit to learn more, become a partner, and download materials to share with other Veteran leaders, business owners, and nonprofit partners in your community.
  • RESPOND TO THE CENSUS. Mark Census Day, April 1, 2020, on your calendar, and plan to respond to the short census questionnaire for your household as soon as you can. Mailings will go out, and the online response portal will open in mid-March. You can choose your preferred method of response: securely online, over the phone, or by mail.

Veterans benefit directly when their communities are counted correctly. Billions of dollars in federal funds are distributed each year based on census data that support education, housing, health care, hospitals, fire stations, and more. An accurate count is especially crucial for Veterans in rural communities, those with disabilities, and those at risk of homelessness. Data from the 2020 Census will also help the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs plan programs and assess emerging needs for Veterans.

To get started, visit


Steven D. Dillingham
Director, United States Census Bureau

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