National Commander Dillard – It’s Time to Bloom

Dear American Legion Family and Friends,

My friends in California recognize this time of the year as “June Gloom.”

The normally sunny California skies are often shrouded in clouds with temperatures feeling rather un-California like. It’s a depressing time of the year with gray skies before the sun shines through.

That’s not unlike how The American Legion brightens the lives of disabled veterans struggling with their earned benefits and military families facing financial distress. The American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF) provides hope, funding and solutions to assist disabled veterans and military families, thanks to our kind donors.

Right now, The American Legion’s third annual 100 Miles for Hope is raising donations for the V&CF. There are just under 100 days to go to reach this year’s goal of $450,000. And to kick off the month of June, I am issuing a one-time special discounted offer to encourage all American Legion Family members to participate.

For the next 100 hours (8 a.m. Eastern June 1 through noon Eastern June 5), the registration fee for the 100 Miles for Hope challenge is only $19.99. Register now at Emblem Sales and you will still receive the 100 Miles for Hope shirt, link to the finisher’s certificate and the satisfaction of supporting our nation’s veterans.

Call it the June Bloom.

The seeds for 100 Miles for Hope have been planted. With summer officially here this month, it’s a perfect time to jump into the challenge, get active and support the Veterans & Children Foundation.

Your support truly demonstrates how The American Legion is …

Veterans Strengthening America.

Paul E. Dillard
National Commander
The American Legion

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