Home Depot and KAMS Auto Sponsor the Post

The Ron Asby North Cobb American Legion Post 304 has been blessed in the past year with sponsorships from numerous businesses and organizations.  Most recently were Home Depot of Acworth and KAMS Auto Service of Acworth.

George Ortega, assistant store manager for the Home Depot of Acworth, has been instrumental in arranging for donations and discounts for our Post, including all the new flooring we are installing this weekend.  Home Depot has a long history of supporting veterans and veteran organizations, and George has been exemplary in living up to that reputation.

Dan Harr presents Home Depot Asst. Store Mgr. George Ortega with a Certificate of Appreciation

Ken Stahl, owner of KAMS Auto Service recently surprised the Post with a check for over $600.  KAMS donates a percentage of all sales each year to various service and charity organizations, and this year Post 304 was selected as the recipient of the donation.

Chuck Guta presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Ken Stahl, owner of KAMS Auto Service.

All officers and members of Post 304 would like to thank Home Depot and KAMS Auto Service for their generous donations and support of our Post.

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