July 1 Deadline to Submit Consolidated Post Report for 2019-2020

Post 335 in South Gate, Calif., has been accepting donations, assembling and distributing care packages for their local seniors in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Jeric Wilhelmsen

American Legion posts have an opportunity to share the great work they are doing in their local community through the completion of the Consolidated Post Report (CPR).

The CPR was established for posts to document external activities, such as volunteer and fundraising efforts, funeral honors and youth programs, from the reporting period of June 1-May 31. This data is collected by National Headquarters to help quantify – for Congress, American Legion media, national leadership and more – the good that American Legion posts do in their communities every year.

The 2019-2020 CPR is due to National Headquarters no later than July 1. Download the report online or fill out and submit through www.mylegion.org.

So far, 27 percent of the more than 12,600 American Legion posts have submitted a 2019-2020 CPR.

Plaques are presented to departments with at least 95 percent CPR reporting by July 1.

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