Casino Night at the Post a Rousing Success

If you didn’t purchase tickets for Casino Night at the Post, then you missed out on an evening of great fun, good food and, to paraphrase President Trump, lots of “winning, winning, winning.”  The gambling tables were hot, the drinks were cold and everyone who attended had a wonderful evening of playing blackjack, craps and roulette and then winning the largest cache of raffle items the Post has hosted to date.

The doors opened at 6pm, and the evening began in earnest at 7pm with food being served by the Pine Tree Country Club chef.  The heavy hors d’oeurves included chicken skewers, wings, meatballs and egg rolls.  As the gambling tables heated up, loud cheers were heard throughout the Post by patrons winning chips that were then turned in for raffle tickets.

Raffle items included $50 gift cards from Kroger, lots of merchandise from NAPA and other retailers, bottles of wine and hundreds of gift cards from local restaurants.  It was announced that raffle items totaled well over $5000 worth of goods and services.

A silent auction was held and included firearms, lots of sports memorabilia, jewelry, movie and music industry items, a gas grill, a large generator and much more.  A final tally from the evening’s fund-raising efforts will be announced as the numbers come in, but it will likely be a record-setting event for the Post.

We would like thank all Post members who helped make this event such a great success by helping set up, coordinate the evening and then clean up afterward.  A big special thanks to our Junior Vice Commander of Programs, Jack Kimmich, for making the 3rd Annual Casino Night the Post’s biggest fund-raiser of the year.

Photos from the evening are below.  If you have some photos you would like to add to our gallery, please email them to Dan Harr by clicking HERE, or contact him through Facebook.


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