Post 304 Elections Completed and 2024-2025 Officer Slate Selected

Fellow Post 304 Members, our Post Election was a success last evening, with 40 members in good standing casting their ballots.  The results were:

Post Commander:  Chuck Guta (unanimous)
Sr. Vice Commander:  , Todd Wilson – 21 votes; Russell Farmer – 19 votes
Vice Commander, Finance:  >Tom Walsh (unanimous)
Vice Commander, Social Quarters: (OPEN)
Vice Commander, Assembly Quarters: Eldrige Holloway (unanimous)
Vice Commander, Exterior Property/Facilities:  Mike Tolley (Unanimous)
Vice Commander, Programs:  Jim Blake (unanimous)

Regarding the still-open position of Vice Commander, Social Quarters, the Post 304 Constitution addresses its potential fill:

ARTICLE VI, Nominations — Elections — Vacancies

6.1 OTHER VACANCIES: For other vacancies occurring on the Executive Committee, notification may bemade to the general membership advising them of said vacancy and allowing a sufficient opportunity to submit a request for consideration of the vacant position by the Executive Committee. Any appointment may be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Committee and must be approved at the next scheduled membership meeting by majority vote of the membership.

Congratulations to a winning team for our Post!

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